LDAN Bill Consultation

Reaching the under-served and under-represented

The LDAN Bill Consultation is now underway, and closes on 21st April 2024.

Our team is engaging with organisations who work with the most under-served and under-represented in the learning disabilities, autism and neurodivergence world. We have developed some resources that should help you to navigate and submit responses to make sure your voice is heard.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape a Bill that protects and serves the LDAN community.

If you are from an ethnic minority and would like to read the resources or attend events in a different language, please go to SEMA.scot

Resources for families, managers, front-line workers to think and plan a response to the consultation

Helpful questions if you are supporting someone with lived experience respond to the consultation

More resources

The above resources come from SCLD (Scottish Commission for people with Learning Disabilities). If you would like further information about learning disabilities and what SCLD offers, please click here

Down’s Syndrome Scotland resources

A makaton video that describes a summary of the LDAN Bill Consultation

We will add to this resources page regularly. If there are resources that you feel you need but can’t see. Please let us know here


Below are some upcoming events to help you in responding to the LDAN Bill consultation:

Under-served and under-represented communities

LDAN Bill online information session for Ethnic Minorities - hosted by SEMA

25th March 10am-11am

Learning Disabilities focused


SCLD (please clicks on the links below to register for these online events)

Enable If you are interested in attending please email communities@enable.org.uk to register your attendance.

Downs Syndrome Scotland

Down’s Syndrome Scotland are hosting a number of sessions for their members over the next two months to help members understand and respond to the LDAN Bill Consultation Paper.

These events are only open to Members of DSS. If you are supporting someone with Down’s Syndrome and would like to find out more, please email info@dsscotland.org.uk

In February members can come and find out more about the Bill and the consultation paper and in March, there are a number of additional sessions where we are keen to hear what members think.

If you are a member of DSS you can book onto any of these sessions via the members community platform, Hub21 -

Thursday 28th March 10.30-11.30am